WiFi and Broadband Problems
One of the most common complaints we hear from customers is the speed of their WiFi and broadband connections. This is equally true in both homes and workplaces.
The main suppliers of home broadband in the UK are BT (PlusNet, EE), Sky Broadband, Virgin Media and TalkTalk but regardless it seems that people experience issues regardless of supplier.
One of the most common issues we have come across in home environments and small businesses to some degree is that the router provided by a broadband supplier simply not covering the entire house with enough signal or in some cases no signal at all (black spots). This particular problem can be overcome with the use of numerous add-on devices such as MESH based systems and power adaptors. In addition broadband suppliers also supply their own add-on devices which have mixed success.
I always suggest starting with basics first before spending money on kit. Perform a speed test on your router to ensure your broadband provider is providing the correct speed. This can be achieved by simply plugging in a laptop to your router and using a website such as speedtest.net . It is important though to connect to your router via a network cable and not use WiFi.
Once you are happy that the router is operating at the correct speed, try next connecting your laptop to your router via WiFi and disconnect the network cable. Make sure your still in the same room as your router when you do this! Once again use the website speedtest.net to perform a speed test. WiFi is normally slower than a fixed network connection but it shouldn’t be massively different.
Next repeat the WiFi test in various rooms of your house to identify the best and worst rooms so you know where your blackspots are, then it’s just a case of investing in kit to cover your black spots.
If you need any assistance with troubleshooting your WiFi, please do not hesitate to contact us.